Hampshire Squash Rackets Association
Online League Management System 2021/2022
League Rules
Mens Section

[Main] [Fixtures]

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Club Address The Taro Centre Penns Place Petersfield Hants Post Code GU31 4EX Google Map
Download VCard
Telephone 01730 263996 Fax
Website http://www.petersfieldsquashclub.org.uk Email Petersfield
Club Fixtures Secretary Tim Pescud Email
Club Coach Jonathan Graham Email

DIVISION 1 - Petersfield 1 (1) versus Chichester 3 (3) played on 01-Nov-2021 at 19:00

String Home Team Player Ranking Grading Away Team Player Ranking Grading Score Result
1 Sam Shuff Squash Levels for Sam  Shuff 1 (1) 2879 Ben Hansford Squash Levels for Ben  Hansford 17 (11) 2887 9-11,8-11,11-7,11-8,11-5 3-2
2 Jonathan Graham Squash Levels for Jonathan  Graham 2 (2) 3052 Jamie Allday Squash Levels for Jamie  Allday 19 (13) 2756 11-2,11-6,12-10 3-0
3 Tim Pescud Squash Levels for Tim  Pescud 3 (3) 2890 Toby Henshaw Squash Levels for Toby  Henshaw 21 (14) 2155 11-7,8-11,11-7,8-11,11-7 3-2
4 Rob Anderson Squash Levels for Rob  Anderson 4 (4) 2588 Ian Haines Squash Levels for Ian  Haines 23 (15) 2557 13-11,9-11,12-10,11-9 3-1
5 Steve Blundell Squash Levels for Steve  Blundell 5 (5) 2542 Amy Jones Squash Levels for Amy  Jones 25 (16) 2667 5-11,7-11,2-11 0-3
(U) - Unranked at time of match Home Team Away Team
Petersfield 1 Beat Chichester 3 by Strings
4 1
12 8
Win Bonus
5 0
League Organiser Adjustment
0 0
17 8

Match Report Press Report

Petersfield 1 Beat Chichester 3.

With the home team having higher Gradings in 3 of the strings, the match was always going to be in their favour. This turned out to be the case with a Home win.

On paper, the number 1 string should have been the closest, with only 8 ranking points separating the two players before the match. Home advantage prevailed though, with Sam Shuff winning through.

It was the number 1 String which turned out to be the most competitive, with the Players battling out over a total of 92 Points ! Victory finally going to the Home Player, Sam Shuff.