491 InstanceNameX - Sussex 2021/22 - InstanceIDX 25
492 Other Instances - 25 - Sussex 2021/22 - leagueor_u21s - league2021s - leagueor_lms2021sussex
493 leagueor_u21s league2021s leagueor_lms2021sussex
SSRA - Results - V2019 - cPanel

Hampshire Squash Rackets Association
Online League Management System 2021/2022
League Rules
Mens Section

[Main] [Fixtures]

i-MASK advanced visor protection system for Squash. Can be worn over glasses and does not mist or restrict vision.
Club Address LOST Club, 41-47 Manor Way, Lee-on-the-Solent, Hampshire Post Code PO13 9JQ Google Map
Download VCard
Telephone 023 92550381 Fax 023 92554381
Website http://www.lostclub.co.uk Email
Club Fixtures Secretary Paul Holdway Email
Club Coach Paul Holdway Email

PREMIER DIVISION - Lee-on-Solent 1 (1) versus Winchester 1 (1) played on 28-Sep-2021 at 19:00

String Home Team Player Ranking Grading Away Team Player Ranking Grading Score Result
1 Sam Miller Squash Levels for Sam  Miller 1 (1) 3465 Gary Hinton Squash Levels for Gary  Hinton 4 (4) 3219 11-9 11-9 12-10 3-0
2 Thomas Trott Squash Levels for Thomas  Trott 4 (4) 3101 Wes Cusick Squash Levels for Wes  Cusick 5 (5) 3300 9-11 5-11 11-7 11-4 11-5 3-2
3 Len Westover Squash Levels for Len  Westover 5 (5) 3127 Paul Jones Squash Levels for Paul  Jones 8 (8) 3222 10-12 11-8 9-11 9-11 1-3
4 Harry Beeston Squash Levels for Harry  Beeston 6 (6) 2898 Ali King Squash Levels for Ali  King 9 (9) 2990 9-11 6-11 3-11 0-3
5 Chris Horne Squash Levels for Chris  Horne 7 (7) 2922 Phil Ashman Squash Levels for Phil  Ashman 10 (10) 2924 11-4 11-6 11-7 3-0
(U) - Unranked at time of match Home Team Away Team
Lee-on-Solent 1 Beat Winchester 1 by Strings
3 2
10 8
Win Bonus
5 0
League Organiser Adjustment
0 0
15 8

Match Report Press Report

Lee-on-Solent 1 Beat Winchester 1 in a close match.

With the away team having higher Gradings in 4 of the strings, Home advantage looked to be needed to take the win. Local knowledge duly defeated the statisticians and the home team came through for a good win.

On paper, the number 5 string should have been the closest, with only 2 ranking points separating the two players before the match. Home advantage prevailed though, with Chris Horne winning through.

It was the number 2 String which turned out to be the most competitive, with the Players battling out over a total of 85 Points ! Victory finally going to the Home Player, Thomas Trott.

Player of the tie was the Home No. 2 string, Thomas Trott, gaining 40 Ranking Points from the match.