Hampshire Squash Rackets Association
Online League Management System 2021/2022
League Rules
Mens Section

[Main] [Fixtures]

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Fair Oak
Club Address Campbell Way Fair Oak Eastleigh Post Code SO50 7AX Google Map
Download VCard
Telephone 02380 695107 Fax
Website http://www.fairoaksquashandracketball.co.uk Email
Club Fixtures Secretary David Brierley Email

CHAMPIONSHIP - Fair Oak 2 (2) versus Chichester 2 (2) played on 10-Nov-2021 at 19:30

String Home Team Player Ranking Grading Away Team Player Ranking Grading Score Result
1 John Merriman Squash Levels for John  Merriman 8 (6) 2806 Chris Waight Squash Levels for Chris  Waight 9 (6) 2915 8-11 8-11 10-12 0-3
2 Mark Bangs Squash Levels for Mark  Bangs 9 (7) 2851 Matt Bennison Squash Levels for Matt  Bennison 13 (8) 2884 11-13 11-7 11-13 1-11 1-3
3 Adam Exley Squash Levels for Adam  Exley 19 (9) 2222 Danny Berkley Squash Levels for Danny  Berkley 15 (9) 2886 1-11 3-11 4-11 0-3
4 Samuel Hartley Squash Levels for Samuel  Hartley 21 (11) 1845 Ben Hansford Squash Levels for Ben  Hansford 17 (11) 2872 8-11 7-11 8-11 0-3
5 Matthew Hartley Squash Levels for Matthew  Hartley 22 (12) 3120 Joe Seaman Squash Levels for Joe  Seaman 18 (12) 3020 6-11 3-11 5-11 0-3
(U) - Unranked at time of match Home Team Away Team
Fair Oak 2 Lost to Chichester 2 by Strings
0 5
1 15
Win Bonus
0 5
League Organiser Adjustment
0 0
1 20

Match Report Press Report

Fair Oak 2 Lost to Chichester 2 in a one-sided match.

With the away team having higher Gradings in 4 of the strings, Home advantage looked to be needed to take the win. The stats turned out to be correct, with a fine Away win.

On paper, the number 2 string should have been the closest, with only 33 ranking points separating the two players before the match. The Away player, Matt Bennison, did well therefore to secure the win.

It was the number 2 String which turned out to be the most competitive, with the Players battling out over a total of 78 Points ! Victory finally going to the Away Player, Matt Bennison.

Player of the tie was the Away No. 5 string, Joe Seaman, gaining 40 Ranking Points from the match.